Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What's the Difference.........

Between going rogue and hypocrisy? Not a dab, if you're Sarah Palin.

From today's headlines, this is a must read:

1 comment:

Connie Rouse said...

What never surprises me is how Palin receates herself at will! She is indeed a survivor! "I ain't mad at her," as the kids say, but I just don't want her to be my president!

The late Senator Strom Thurmond told me at a luncheon in the Senate Dining Room in Washington, DC years ago after I challenged his racist views of the 60's, "Mrs. Rouse, I am a republican but I was once an independent, a dixiecrat and a democrat. I would change to something else tomorrow if it would get me elected. I AM A POLITICIAN. I vote as my constituents direct, not what I truly believe and it gets me elected time after time.I was a segregationist because south carolina wanted segregation...So don't kill me because I am just the messenger!"

I think Palin shares Strom's views! And we shouldn't kill her either. Her views almost got her elected to the office of Vice President of these United States of America. She has a lot of support out there. She is, in fact, "just the messenger." If we are wise, we would not just poke fun and take her lightly - she represents a lot of people. When those minds change, hgers will too. remember, she's a real POLITICIAN!